Ocular Disease
How to Manage Ocular Herpes
A review of how to decide which oral and topical agents to use, based on the presentation.
Anterior Segment Surgery and Herpes
Corneal experts break down the pre-, intra- and postop considerations.
October 2018 Wills Eye Resident Case Series - Diagnosis and Discussion
A 23-year-old woman presents to the Wills Eye Emergency Room complaining of bilateral eye pain and redness.
Are Intraop Antibiotics Necessary in PPV?
June 2018 Wills Eye Resident Case Series
A 22-year-old man with eyelid swelling and sinus congestion is evaluated in the Wills Eye Hospital Emergency Room.
Is LVC Possible In CVD Patients?
Long considered an absolute contraindication, collagen vascular disease may not always be a bar for carefully selected patients.
Managing Dacryoceles And Dacryocystitis
Exploring the origin of these troublesome cysts, as well as strategies for diagnosis and treatment.
March 2018 Wills Eye Resident Case Series
A woman with unilateral floaters after a colonoscopy is evaluated at Wills Eye Hospital.
How to Manage Pediatric Herpes Keratitis
Learn what makes cases of pediatric herpes keratitis unique—and use this knowledge to treat them appropriately.