A new suite of optical coherence tomography software applications for the Carl Zeiss Meditec Cirrus HD-OCT has been cleared by the Food and Drug Administration. The Cirrus HD-OCT 4.0 with Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer and Macular Normative Databases is indicated for in-vivo viewing, axial cross-sectional and three-dimensional imaging and measurement of anterior and posterior ocular structures.

Zeiss says the new tools for glaucoma management include the most robust features for RNFL assessment available in an OCT platform. Cirrus HD-OCT Version 4.0 offers an RNFL Normative Database to identify retinal nerve fiber layer loss; Anterior Segment Imaging to visualize the angle and measure central corneal thickness; and Guided Progression Analysis software to support glaucoma treatment decision-making by identifying statistically significant changes in RNFL thickness.

In addition, advanced retina features include: Macular Change Analysis, to evaluate retinal status and response to therapy by mapping changes in macular thickness; a Fovea Finder, which automatically identifies the center of the fovea to ensure the accuracy of macular thickness measurements; and Macular Thickness Normative Data to identify retina disease based on comparison to age-matched data.

Cirrus-HD OCT software version 4.0 is DICOM-compatible for use with Zeiss's connectivity solutions, including VISUPAC Star and EMR platforms.

For information visit meditec.zeiss.com.


Rhein Medical Announces New Treatment For Dry Eye and MGD

Rhein Medical says its new patent-pending treatment for meibomian gland disease offers patients significant relief. The system, developed in coordination with Steven L. Maskin, MD, consists of microprobes of various depths used for intraductal probing of the meibomian glands, and tubes used to introduce a pharmaceutical into the glands. Benefits of the technique include: relief from lid tenderness; improved blinking comfort and vision; decrease in light sensitivity, friction and lid heaviness; increase in lubrication; and less need for artificial tears. Improvement typically lasts four to six months per treatment, the company says, and the blepharotomy is reimbursable.

Call (813) 885-5050 for a free DVD explaining the treatment or visit RheinMedical.com.


Iridex Shipping New Laser Systems

Iridex has begun shipments of its IQ 577, a high-power, true yellow (577 nm wavelength) laser system for use by ophthalmologists to treat sight-threatening eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma.

The company says the IQ 577 offers patients less discomfort, while the higher inherent absorption in blood, together with the lower scattering of the 577-nm, yellow laser wavelength compared with 532-nm, green laser systems, helps to reduce the therapeutic power requirements. Physicians benefit from efficiencies due to its easy to understand user interface, wireless foot pedal control with power adjust capability, and audible confirmation of adjustments.

MicroPulse is a tissue-sparing technology offering a benefit over standard laser delivery by electronically "chopping" each laser pulse into microsecond bursts. This enhances the physician's control over the energy delivered to tissue, opening the door to new ocular treatment options, with the goal of achieving a more tissue-sparing laser therapy. For information, visit iridex.com.