June 2014


Glaucoma Medications: It’s All in the Delivery

New classes of drugs and new delivery systems will change the way glaucoma is managed.

HZO Warrants Quick Recognition & Action

A rare combination of ophthalmoplegia, panuveitis and optic neuritis from herpes zoster emphasizes the need for prompt diagnosis and action.

Physician, Prep Thyself (For Personal Finances)

Many newly practicing surgeons are woefully unprepared to handle finances. Here’s help.

Time to Join the MIGS Movement?

Microincision glaucoma surgeries are changing the way surgeons think about treating this disease.

What OCT Tells Us About Progression

OCT has made strides as an objective measure of progression, but it still has limitations.


Review News

Editor's Page

Technology Update

Smartphones Take on Astigmatism

Surgeons say you can make use of a powerful tool you almost always have with you to help tame patients’ cylinder.

Medicare Q & A

Consider This Before Joining an ACO

Patients and providers can both benefit under a Shared Savings Program alternative to the standard fee-for-service practice.

Retinal Insider

IVT Injections: Health Policy Implications

This therapeutic revolution has important implications for health policy, for physicians and most importantly, for patients.

Glaucoma Management

Goniosynechialysis: Beyond Angle Opening

If peripheral anterior synechiae are present, simply opening a narrow angle may not restore trabecular outflow. GSL can help.

Therapeutic Topics

Resistance Fighters: An Antibiotics Update

Antibiotic innovation has slowed, allowing drug resistance to catch up, but there is still hope for the future of anti-infectives.

Cornea/Anterior Segment

Stem Cells for Corneal Disease: A Primer

A look at the various types of stem cell therapies that are already or may soon be available to improve our patients’ vision.

Refractive Surgery

Root Out Multifocal Lens Problems

Just because a patient is unhappy with her multifocal lens doesn’t necessarily mean she needs a surgical solution.

Research Review

Wills Eye Resident Case Series

June 2014 Wills Eye Resident Case Series

Not long after an uncomplicated delivery, a young mother experiences a sudden onset of blurry vision in both eyes.